Mts of the Utility Commission meeting held on Tues., 7/6/2010 at city hall pursuant to notice duly given.
1. Mtg called to ordera t 5 p.m. by President Rosenfeldt.
2. Roll call: Rosenfeldt, Uhl, Schreiber and Lacourciere. Absent: Filz. Also present: Bob Mommaerts
3. Moved by Lacourciere seconded by Schreiber to approve of the agenda as presented. Motion carried upon verbal voice vote. 4 ayes
4. a. Moved by Schreiber seconded by Lacourciere to accept grant from Focus on Energy in the amt of $21,695 to purchase and install energy efficient aerators. Motion carried upon verbal voice vote. 4 ayes
4. b. Moved by Lacourciere seconded by Uhl to proceed with the purchase and installation of 4 15HP AIRE-02 Triton Aerators in the amt of $76,400. Based on an estimated energy savings of $20,611 per year the payback on the balance would be approx 2.6 years.
Motion carried upon verbal voice vote. 4 ayes
5. Moved by Lacourciere seconded by Uhl to adjourn at 5:20 p.m.
Motion carrie dupon verbal voice vote.
Minutes submitted by
Robert J. Mommaerts, P.E.
Director of Public Services