Minutes of the Finance Committee meeting held on Tuesday, March 3rd, 2009 at city hall pursuant to notice duly given.
1. Meeting called to order by Chairperson Maas at 5:40 p.m.
2. Roll call: Jack Maas, Jim Lacourciere, Dick Doeren, Ed Young and Joe Stiloski.
Also present: Mayor Nerenhausen and Linda Belongia, Administrator and as recording secretary.
3. Moved by Stiloski seconded by Lacourciere to approve of the agenda
4. No correspondence or public input.
5. Discussion/recommendation on:
a. Recommendation from Park & Recreation to create a non-lapsing account for the revenue received from the adult league activities to help offset the expenses associated with running these activities. Chairperson Maas stated in the past non-lapsing accounts have been frowned upon by the auditors; Stiloski questioned how we are currently handling the revenue and expenses to run these programs; Belongia briefly explained revenues are receipted under the general fund; expenses charged to the recreational account; Maas stated any overage in revenue would go to general fund; Belongia stated any shortfall in the expenses vs. revenues received have been charged to the recreation budget; John Wittkopf, member of the Park & Rec committee stated this request came to committee from the Park & Recreation Director...stating these activities have been budgeted for in the past… with having a non-lapsing the intent as explained to the Park Rec committee is that we won’t have to budget for this, the fees paid will support the program; Stiloski stated program should be left as is…funds going into the general fund; Lacourciere questioned Belongia if the current procedure or the proposed would be easier? Belongia stated either way;
Moved by Stiloski seconded by Young to recommend to Com of the Whole to deny the recommendation from Park & Rec to create a non-lapsing account with the revenue received from the adult league activities.
Motion carried upon verbal voice vote. 5 ayes
b. Discussion on listing of accounts payables for $1,125,192.72; payroll for $106,571.72; and January financial reports. Chairperson Maas called for any discussion or questions;
Moved by Doeren seconded by Lacourciere to recommend to Com of the Whole the listing of accounts payables for $1,125,192.72; payroll for $106,571.72 and January financial reports.
Motion carried upon verbal voice vote. 5 ayes
6. Moved by Stiloski seconded by Doeren to adjourn. M/C
Meeting adjourned at 5:56 p.m. Minutes submitted by
Linda M. Belongia,