1. Meeting called to order by Chairman Young at 5:00 p.m.
2. Roll Call: Paul Welch, Russ Young, Brian Rice and John Wittkopf
Also Present: Kale Proksch and Mayor Nerenhausen Absent: Vicki Grunow
3. Moved by Wittkopf second by Welch to approve agenda as presented.
Motion carried upon verbal voice vote. 4 ayes
4. Moved by Wittkopf second by Rice to approve the meeting minutes from
March 18, 2009.
Motion carried upon verbal voice vote. 4 ayes
5. Public Input: None
6. Correspondence: None
a. Virginia Graeme Baker Act;
Proksch reported that he is still getting quotes; Proksch stated he attended a pool workshop and spoke to the pool director from Neenah and was given a contact number to acquire another quote; Proksch stated they will be draining the pool in a week or two and then will clean pool and inspect tiles and grates and do any necessary repairs; Planning on opening June 6th;
a. Geese Control;
Minutes were submitted from April of 2007 which stated the cost for the removal of geese would be $1000.00 each year; Geese not a problem at this time;
b. Mini-golf Ideas;
Wittkopf stated he thought the high school was going to build something; Young stated they would like to put down an asphalt base and take existing layout off stands and put on asphalt; Outline would be 2’ x 4’s that are anchored down; Welch commented with asphalt…would get divots over time; Green carpet would be placed over asphalt; Proksch stated we would probably go with what we have this year and continue to do more checking; Rice stated maybe we should meet at the mini-golf location sometime;
a. Athletic Field Agreement;
Kale submitted another draft of an agreement…questioned if any changes wanted to be made; Rice stated this should help to at least break even… a lot of hours spent out there; Wittkopf commented at least it might pay for the electricity;
Moved by Welch second by Rice to approve implementing Athletic Field Rental Agreement.
Motion carried upon verbal voice vote. 4 ayes
b. Fence Quotes;
Proksch submitted quotes from Fence Link and Fortress Fence to furnish and install either 12’ high or 18’ high backstops; Proksch recommended going with Fortress Fence at the cost of $8,120.00 for the 18’ backstops, with ½ the cost being shared with youth baseball; Discussion on fencing whole area; Young stated we should go with the backstops for now so that it’s ready for the season and can always add on later;
Moved by Wittkopf second by Welch to recommend to Council to approve purchase of backstops from Fortress Fence for $8,120.00 with cost being shared by Little League;
Motion carried upon verbal voice vote. 4 ayes
Young questioned if the Park and Rec department would be interested in running the concession stand ourselves; Mayor suggested letting groups run it…good community relationship by letting others use the concession stand; Wittkopf questioned if it would be profitable; Young stated that not enough money is made to make up for the time involved; Proksch stated we may want to considering budgeting for someone to run it next year;
c. Sprinkler Heads;
Proksch stated that Diamonds #1 & #2 are very dry…definitely something we should do… install sprinkler heads behind pitchers mound; Each sprinkler head would be zoned on it’s own…can just turn one on at a time…would take place of having to hose down infield;
Moved by Rice second by Welch to accept $1,000.00 from The Sprinkler Company to install sprinkler heads on Diamonds #1 and #2.
Motion carried upon verbal voice vote. 4 ayes
a. Electrical Proposals
Proksch submitted a proposal from Electrical Services to update electricity on both Pavilions; Proksch stated that he has been called to the pavilions on weekends to reset the breakers; The cost of updating the old pavilion would be $750.00…$450.00 for the newer pavilion; Proksch added that Jim Brazeau informed him that one of his brothers would like to donate $300.00 toward the cost of the new updates;
Moved by Wittkopf second by Welch to approve the electrical proposals at the cost of $1,200.00 with $300.00 being donated.
Motion carried upon verbal voice vote. 4 ayes
11. Sharp Park Ice Rink;
Proksch stated the old boards were being taken down at the ice rink…should they be permanently removed…talked about ice rink at Holtwood; Young stated it would be easy to put a rink at Holtwood…dig out sod and gradually flood…we do not need sides; Rice stated that he felt that the ice rink at Sharp Park distracted from the appearance of the park; Welch suggested to asphalt the area and turn it into a skate park; Mayor questioned what it would take to make a skate park; Young said it would be very costly…looked into it a few years ago…could use the area for basket ball or tennis courts; Wittkopf suggested the area for outdoor bands; Board will take a look at Sharp and Holtwood for just ice rinks…no wooden sides;
12. Review expense/revenue reports.
Moved by Wittkopf second by Rice to accept reports as presented and place on file.
Motion carried upon verbal voice vote. 4 ayes
13. Next Meeting: To be held at on Wednesday, May 13, 2009 at 5:00 p.m. at Holtwood Campground.
14. Moved by Wittkopf second by Welch to adjourn meeting at 5:40 p.m. M/C
Minutes submitted by: Carol Stewart
Deputy Clerk/Treasurer