Minutes of the Police & Fire Commission meeting held on Monday, May 9, 2011 pursuant to notice duly given.
1. Meeting called to order by President Hayes at 6:03 p.m.
2. Roll Call: Ron Hayes, Tim Longsine, Steve Gering, Gene Berth and Jim Lacourciere
Also present: Chief Carper, Jack Mlnarik and Carol Stewart as recording secretary.
3. Moved by Gering seconded by Lacourciere to approve of the agenda as presented.
Motion carried upon verbal voice vote. 5 ayes
4. Moved by Berth seconded by Lacourciere to accept and place on file
the meeting minutes from 04/11/11.
Motion carried upon verbal voice vote. 5 ayes
5. Public Input/Correspondence:
a. Chief Carper included a follow-up letter he wrote to Lynn Stamsta regarding the meeting they had discussing the upcoming Bicycle Poker Run;
b. Chief Mlnarik reported that he received a thank you from the Oconto Area Child Care, Oconto High School for representation at the Science Fair and the dept. also received a certificate of appreciation from the Every 15 Minutes program for participating over the years;
6. Discussion/action/updates on:
a. Audit Report Improvements;
Mlnarik stated that the report he submitted is quite lengthy…anything they can control has been done…some done prior by Chief’s Phillips; Mlnarik stated he would like 10% of ambulance revenue to go for equipment replacement…eliminates taking money from other things, other projects; Hayes stated they are generating it, that’s the way to do it, otherwise it goes into the general fund and have to fight to get it back; Mlnarik commented on the changes of adding the two lieutenant positions…if one was Captain it would be easier to define their roles…both lieutenants have different ideas as to how to handle situations; Berth stated that we just appointed 2 Lieutenants…now we need a Captain? Mlnarik stated just throwing the idea our there to gauge a feeling about it; Hayes stated it was sold to the commission that way…to appoint 2 lieutenants…that’s how decision was made;
Longsine questioned how would having a Captain make things better…what would we gain by it; Mlnarik stated when he’s not around, that’s when those issues may come into play…may agree with one Lieutenants ideas over the other…one of the best decision made was to appoint the two lieutenants…having a Captain would just define things more for him…just entertaining the idea; Hayes stated it would have to be through attrition…when one retires, make the next Captain and appoint a new lieutenant; Mlnarik stated that something else to consider is the Captain’s position would be non-union so that he would have somebody that he could bounce ideas off of;
Chief Carper stated it was not too much of a surprise the areas that were identified for change and improvements…the suggestions are on their minds a lot; Carper added that the Police Dept. has made some significant changes…i.e. the evidence room, updating existing policy manuals to make sure they all read the same…added additional manuals, allowing others to take on control over some of the projects… delegating better, building better liaison with Commission, joining Chamber of Commerce…working with John Flannery putting together survey for the business community and implementing the Cadet Program; Hayes stated he will make sure both Chiefs get Chamber info; Hayes stated he would also like to have Cadets come in to be introduced to the Commission;
b. Police & Fire Chief Job Descriptions;
Chief Carper submitted an updated draft; Hayes asked commission members to comment; Gering stated he didn’t see any mention where he must perform annual written evaluations…there is nothing stating that he is required to secure a driver’s license as part of qualifications…must be able to pass background check and mental exam; Carper stated in the policy manual it states that the Chief has to be certified as a Wisconsin law enforcement officer …ability to perform as an officer which includes passing a background check and holding a driver’s license;
Moved by Gering seconded by Lacourciere to approve of the job descriptions with the above mentioned amendments.
Motion carried upon verbal voice vote. 5 ayes
7. Review Police Fire and Ambulance Dept. reports;
Mlnarik reported that everybody completed Fire Fighter II training…as far as they can go on certification; Joe Last has been in contact with the railroad for pre-planning to get a list of all the chemicals they carry through the city; Mlnarik commented that Josh Bostedt did an excellent job with the investigation on the Second Street fire; The Chief was congratulated on getting everybody up-to-speed with training; Carper reported that the TRacs system is up and running; 32 applicant tested for part-time positions…will interview top 20; Officer Faith has been working with Tim Magnin to update Emergency Management Plan…next month will have a draft to look at…would be appropriate for Mayor to call meeting with city Emergency Management Committee; Hayes asked for clarification on point system for taverns; Carper stated it’s a demerit system…when licensing time comes around, can take into consideration when issuing tavern license…not every call to a tavern for a disturbance results in a demerit…circumstances have to be considered;
Moved by Gering seconded by Lacourciere to approve and place on file the dept. reports as presented.
Motion carried upon verbal voice vote. 5 ayes
8. Review expense and revenue dept. reports;
Berth questioned the police dept. overtime at 55% of budgeted amount; Carper stated things should improve now that Ruechel has returned, however will be starting with vacations; Hayes stated he spoke to the Mayor…Finance would have to accept overages on some of the expenditures or increase amounts;
Moved by Lacourciere seconded by Berth to accept reports and place on file.
Motion carried upon verbal voice vote. 5 ayes
9. Moved by Lacourciere seconded by Berth to approve of the listing of accounts payable in the amount of $31,172.61.
Motion carried upon verbal voice vote. 5 ayes
10. Report on meeting/conferences/seminars;
Chief Mlnarik requested permission to attend training in Maryland for 2 weeks beginning 7/25/11…the training would cover budgeting from a fire departments aspect; Longsine commented that the knowledge that Mlnarik brought back from previous training sessions has been very beneficial; Commission approved Mlnarik’s request;
11. Moved by Berth seconded by Longsine to adjourn. M/C
Meeting adjourned at 7:38 p.m. Next meeting: 6/13/2011
Submitted by:
Carol Stewart
Deputy Clerk/Treasurer