Minutes of the Finance Committee meeting held on Tuesday, April 21st, 2009 pursuant to notice duly given.
1. Meeting called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Chairperson Maas.
2. Roll call: Jack Maas, Dick Doeren, Jim Stiloski, Jim Lacourciere and Ed Young. Also present: Mayor Nerenhausen, Linda Belongia, Administrator and as recording secretary, Jeff Ruechel and Glenn Sowle.
3. Maas asked that the agenda be amended to delete items 7, 8 & 9, as we have no recommendation from IDC on this.
Moved by Stiloski seconded by Lacourciere to approve of the agenda as amended.
Motion carried upon verbal voice vote. 5 ayes
4. No correspondence or public input.
5. Discussion on recommendation from Park & Rec to approve of bid from Fortress Fence for $8,120 for backstops which will be cost shared with Lt. League; Maas stated this was a budgeted item in the park & rec budget; Young questioned if we need the backstops; Jeff Ruechel stated that these are for the older diamonds that are down and beyond the sporting complex; Young questioned if these are a necessary expense and what are we doing with the old ones;
Moved by Doeren seconded by Lacourciere to recommend to Council approval of the purchase of the backstops from Fortress Fence for $8,120 which will be cost shared by Little League.
Motion carried upon verbal voice vote. 5 ayes
6. Discussion on recommendation from the Police & Fire Commission (PFC) to
allocate up to $10,000 for an audit of the Police Department. Lacourciere
questioned what are we trying to accomplish; Maas referenced the April 13th PFC
minutes; Stiloski questioned if this is a budgeted item; Lacourciere stated should
include the fire department as well; Maas stated the motion can be amended to
include both the police & fire department; Jeff Ruechel, police officer
stated the department is short in funding for equipment…need light bars, other
equipment needs…and union contracts come due this year…probably will be told
no more for increases in pay…audit should be done in house; Glenn Sowle, police
officer stated if the policy is so far out of wack, the PFC should sit down with the Chief and …; Maas stated the PFC is a separate entity…finance is to act on the recommendation; Mayor stated the audit will look at the policy for the department…need to get things like the residency, in the policy; Maas stated the PFC have made the recommendation…feel they need to do this; Stiloski again stated he has trouble with something not budgeted for; Young agreed; Stiloski stated they haven’t done a good job explaining…; Maas stated any member of council can attend the PFC meetings;
Moved by Lacourciere seconded by Doeren to recommend to Council allocating
up to $10,000 from the undesignated general fund for an audit of the police & fire
Motion carried upon verbal voice vote.
3 ayes: Doeren, Lacourciere and Maas. 2 no: Young & Stiloski.
7, 8, & 9. Maas stated are not needed, we have no recommendation from the
Industrial Development Commission.
10. Moved Doeren seconded by Lacourciere to adjourn. Lacourciere thanked the Finance Committee for his time served with the other members.
Meeting adjourned at 5:51 p.m.
Minutes submitted by
Linda M. Belongia,