Minutes of the Oversight Committee for the Building Inspector meeting held on Monday, January 12th, 2009 at city hall pursuant to notice duly given.
1. Mayor Nerenhausen called the first meeting of the Oversight Committee for the Building Inspector to order at 4:35 p.m.
2. Moved by Wittkopf seconded by Heier to nominate and cast a unanimous ballot for Lloyd Heier as Chairperson.
Motion carried upon verbal voice vote. 2 ayes 1 absent
3. Roll call: Lloyd Heier and John Wittkopf. Excused: Sue Exworthy.
Mayor Nerenhausen, Ron Banach, Bldg Inspector and Linda Belongia, Administrator as recording secretary.
4. Moved by Wittkopf seconded by Heier to approve of the agenda as present.
Motion carried upon verbal voice vote. 2 ayes
5. & 6. Discussion with Ron Banach, Bldg Inspector on procedure for compliance with the Municipal Code of Ordinance and any possible changes on enforcement of the ordinance including reports that are provided on a monthly basis;
Belongia as immediate supervisor stated that over the last few months Banach appears to be more cooperative in responding and following up with memos and reports on code violations and issues presented to him; Banach created new monthly report which is now being provided to the council on a monthly basis; Wittkopf asked Banach to show in his monthly reports the follow up on issues, complaints and violations, reports should show how issue was resolved; noted problem raised at the BPW meeting, crew trying to plow streets and cars being parked overnight….vehicles should be ticketed….realize this is a police dept issue, not Banach’s responsibility; Banach asked the committee members if they see violations, etc where they are about in the community, to notify him, so he can follow up; Heier stated he’s glad we’re making strides in the right direction;
7. The Oversight Committee will continue to meet before Wage & Personnel
8. Moved by Wittkopf seconded by Heier to adjourn. M/C
Meeting adjourned at 4:50 p.m.
Minutes submitted by
Linda M. Belongia,