Minutes of the Finance Committee meeting held on Tuesday, February 3rd, 2009 at city hall pursuant to notice duly given.
1. Meeting called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Chairperson Maas.
2. Roll call: Jack Maas, Jim Lacourciere, Ed Young and Joe Stiloski. Excused: Dick Doeren. Also present: Mayor Nerenhausen and Linda Belongia, Administrator and as recording secretary.
3. Moved by Lacourciere seconded by Young to approve of the agenda as presented.
Motion carried upon verbal voice vote. 4 ayes
4. Correspondence/Public appearances: Chairperson Maas stated he directed a memo to be sent to all department heads that no major purchases should be made due to the unknown stability of the economy and not knowing what the state will be doing to us with future funding revenues; we’ve had a decrease with property values…understands that the budgets have been passed and taxes levied, but we need to hold back and really look at spending this year…. referenced item on tonight’s agenda for crushing…. can’t we use what we have crushed at the former Kelly Pickle site; this memo went to all departments to hold on all major purchases, including the ambulance by the Police & Fire Commission; Stiloski commended Maas on memo, need to hold the line; Young stated he had to be transported to Green Bay by ambulance, they took him in the 3rd ambulance….was a very rough ride…; question as to why that ambulance was used…were the first two ambulances in use….Young stated it was January 5th and Chief Hoppe was driving; Maas referenced email from Bob Mommaerts and Dale Carper questioning major purchases….stating finance is not limiting spending, but requesting serious consideration on purchases, with major items brought to finance for consideration;
Belongia brought to Finance incident with phones going out of service; problem with CenturyTel providing repair service; our phone service is through Bayland, but the equipment was purchased through CenturyTel; Belongia met yesterday with Bayland, received a quote on new equipment; Discussion; no money in budget; Lacourciere stated county went to a voice over system which utilizes the computers, was a cost savings; Belongia instructed to check with Kevin Hamann on this;
5. Discussion/recommendation on:
a. Refinancing and restructure of the 12/14/2004 Waterworks & Sewerage System Revenue Bond Anticipation Notes, and the 5/15/07 Waterworks & Sewerage System Revenue Bond Anticipation Notes. Maas stated Jeff Belongia came to the city a couple of months back going discussing these issue and recommending that we look at this after the first of the year; Lacourciere stated the rates probably aren’t going to get any better; will refinance for five years;
Moved by Lacourciere seconded by Young to recommend to Com of the Whole the refinancing and restructuring of the 12/14/2004 Waterworks & Sewerage System Revenue Bond Anticipation Notes, and the 5/15/07 Waterworks & Sewerage System Revenue Bond Anticipation Notes.
Motion carried upon verbal voice vote. 4 ayes
b. Discussion on lots Oconto County sold at a loss which results in city not being able to collect the special assessments due against these two lots; Questioned what the lots sold for…. letter from County didn’t have that information;
Moved by Lacourciere seconded by Stiloski to recommend to Com of the Whole to write-off the special assessment amts of $11,529.49 that the city will not receive from the County due to the lots being sold at a loss.
Motion carried upon verbal voice vote. 4 ayes
c. Review of the year-end expenditure reports. Stiloski questioned various accounts that were over spent. Lacourciere informed the committee of the airport commission meeting…. airport manager no longer can be a contracted employee…ruling from the county’s labor attorney of which Atty. Mraz, county corp. counsel and Kevin Hamann, agreed; will result in probably increase in pay, benefits and Tarz Sowle will no longer be able to do the snowplowing and grass cutting, getting paid as he has…. conflict with him being an airport commissioner; Maas stated this will have to be brought to city for input regarding the financing; Lacourciere also mentioned a study is being done looking at the county libraries….down the road state funding for libraries maybe changing….more info will come to the city on this at a later date;
Moved by Lacourciere seconded by Stiloski to recommend to Com of the Whole approval of the listing of accounts payables for $413,677.67; payroll for $168,776.14 and financial reports as presented.
Motion carried upon verbal voice vote. 4 ayes
6. Moved by Stiloski seconded by Lacourciere to adjourn. M/C
Meeting adjourned at 6:00 p.m.
Minutes submitted by
Linda M. Belongia,