Minutes of the Promotion Committee meeting held on Tuesday, January 19th, 2010 pursuant to notice duly given.
Mayor welcomed everyone to the first meeting of the newly formed Promotions Committee stating promoting the city is what we need, through our activities, maybe bird watching in our marshes or working on how we deal with our empty stores downtown; need to come up with ideas to promote Oconto;
1. Mayor stated the first order of business is to elect a chairperson.
Moved by Ron Hayes seconded by Pete Stark to nominate and unanimously cast a ballot for Charles Nick as Chairperson.
Motion carried upon verbal voice vote. 8 ayes
2. Chairperson Nick called the first meeting to order at 10:08 a.m.
3. Roll call: Charles Nick, Tammy Salzsieder, Ron Hayes, Suzie Cain, Krista Proksch, Beth Larson, Pete Stark and Linda Belongia. Mayor Nerenhausen also present. Excused/Absent: Dale Mohr and Ken Thompson.
4. Moved by Hayes seconded by Larson to approve of the agenda as presented.
Motion carried upon verbal voice vote. 8 ayes
5. Discussion on setting date and times for meetings.
Noted: 10:10 a.m. Dale Mohr arrived and joined meeting.
Verbal consensus meeting dates and times will be the third Tuesday of each month at 9 a.m.
6. Discussion on Mayor’s draft mission statement: To review all potential recreation, tourism, business and commercial activities within and surrounding the City of Oconto and develop methodology to promote and disperse the information and use of the above potential and present the information to the respective committees and city council.
Moved by Hayes seconded by Salzsieder to accept and adopt Mayor’s mission statement.
Discussion. Mohr suggested we par the draft down, looking at what is the role of this committee; what is the reason for this committee; role, vision, input, down the road having a budget; committee is an incubator for ideas; motivator of ideas to promote Oconto; Mohr suggested adding to end of the draft, to affect positive economic and quality of life changes;
Hayes and Salzsieder amended their motion to adopt Mayor’s mission statement to include amendment by Mohr.
Motion carried upon verbal voice vote. 9 ayes
7. Ron Hayes addressed the committee on his vision of a Trolley System in the City of Oconto; stated he verbally brought this to the Council…was given a verbal consensus they were in favor of moving idea forward, applying for grant; Discussion; pro’s; grant application provided by Congressman Kagen’s office is due 2/12/2010; looking at possibly nine full time employees as drivers; three trolleys one of which will be handicap accessible; good idea; need to get all the information, costs, maintenance, what will impact be to the tax payers;
Moved by Cain seconded by Larsen to proceed with trying to create a Trolley System for the City of Oconto.
Motion carried upon verbal voice vote. 9 ayes
Next Agenda: Tourism Visitor Center; Trolley System; additional ideas for promoting Oconto; Stark stated need to look at recreational ideas, such as the ATV trail and working with the Sportsmen’s Club;
Proksch and Belongia will work on grant application.
Hayes stated Tourism is the cleanest industry we can have.
8. Moved by Hayes seconded by Cain to adjourn. M/C
Meeting adjourned at 10:51 a.m.
Minutes submitted by
Linda M. Belongia,