Minutes of the Finance Committee meeting held on Monday, November 1st, 2010 pursuant to notice duly given.
1. Meeting called to order at 4:32 p.m. by Chairperson Maas.
2. Roll call: Jack Maas, Dick Doeren, Ed Young, Roger Reed and Terri Berth. Also present: Mayor Fulton, Marlene Zahn, Jim Stiloski, Joe Stiloski and Linda Belongia Administrator and as recording secretary.
3. Moved by Doeren seconded by Reed to approve of the agenda as presented.
Motion carried upon verbal voice vote. 5 ayes
4. No correspondence or public input.
5. Discussion/recommendation on:
a. Moved by Reed seconded by Young to accept recommendation from BPW and recommend to Com of the Whole the draft agreement and contract for the use of the county recycling truck.
Motion carried upon verbal voice vote. 5 ayes
b. Belongia explained the compliance audit of the IRS and paying in the medicare portion on firemen’s wages hired after 3/31/1986; the IRS required compliance back to 2007; amended W-2’s and 941’s were sent with the amt due of $35,403.23.
Moved by Doeren seconded by Reed to recommend to Com of the Whole allocating from the general fund $35,403.23 to the fire dept budget for the amount paid to the IRS.
Motion carried upon verbal voice vote. 5 ayes
c. Moved by Doeren seconded by Young to approve and recommend to Council approval of the listing of accounts payables for $405,721.05; payroll for $118,233.63 and financial reports.
Motion carried upon verbal voice vote. 5 ayes
6. Moved by Berth seconded by Young to adjourn. M/C
Meeting adjourned at 4:40 p.m.
Minutes submitted by
Linda M. Belongia,